Knowing the proper bulk bag storage techniques is a great way to extend the life of the bag so you can get as much use out of it as possible. Let’s take a look at where and how bulk bags should be stored.
Bulk Bag Storage Conditions – What is the Ideal Environment?
Ideally, bulk bags should be kept indoors and away from direct sunlight and inclement weather exposure. Try to keep your bulk bags away from direct UV exposure, as the UV rays gradually wear down the bag material. If your bags are exposed to UV often or for extended periods of time during your processes, we recommend using bulk bags with body fabric and lifting loops that have been UV-treated. While this can prolong the useful life of the bag, bulk bags, even with UV treatment, cannot be exposed to the sun for over 2 weeks without some degree of degradation to the fabric.
Another major factor to pay close attention to is moisture protection. Before placing your bags on a pallet or the ground, make sure the surface is dry and free of sharp objects, such as nails, debris or wood splinters. If it is not, you may want to consider placing pallet liners or some form of protective covering, such as a tarp, on the ground before placing your bulk bags. Additionally, in many instances, such as with chemical or food products, the contents of the bag need to stay dry. In these cases, we recommend our polyethylene liners, which can be purchased separately or built into the bag, as an extra layer of moisture protection.
We do not recommend keeping bags outdoors, especially for extended periods of time. If necessary, we suggest using individual pallet covers or a large tarp to cover the bags.
Lastly, subjecting the bags to extreme temperatures can damage the bags and weaken the integrity of the materials. Therefore, keep the bags away from heat sources and maintain moderate storage facility temperatures.
Stacking of Bulk Bags
One benefit of the bulk bag vs. other packaging solutions is its ability to be stacked once filled, allowing for more efficient use of storage space. There are, however, limits to how many bulk bags can be stacked on top of one another, as well as other considerations to keep in mind when stacking. Bags must be stacked in a pyramid formation and not directly on top of one another except with the use of a retainer wall for support.
Always use your discretion when stacking bulk bags. If a structure seems unsafe, it is best to be extra cautious and not stack the bags altogether or contact a Bagwell expert first. If you are using retainer walls, make sure there is enough space for the bags and do not try to force bags into tight spaces.